We ARE Love


Hello, good people.


Today is the day after Christmas. Many of you have felt detached or unable to grasp feelings of Love and joy for various reasons. I came to tell you all that you are already the Love and fulfillment that you are searching for. Everything you desire is held within your heart and can be accessed through grounding and centering your energy to receive the divine messages from Source.
We are all learning and growing, trying to figure out how to have the experiences we desire. I urge you all, as individuals and as a collective, to allow the ultimate guidance of Love to govern every affair we are affording our personalities.
We are the pure light of Source stepped down again and again to experience life as we create it on Earth.


We have nothing to hide from or be afraid of. The past is just the past, and while we will all experience the consequences from past actions, it is never too late to shift your vibration into higher frequencies.
You are good enough and capable of the Love and compassion you are desperately seeking; as a matter of fact you ARE that perfect love you are seeking. I know this from personal experience. I was wishing and hoping that certain people would love me, and  the truth is, I could not be fulfilled until I loved myself in the capacity that I was searching for.
How do you get there? It is not through pretend or through ignoring our true feelings. It is through the balance and clearing work that is necessary for the ultimate change that will always come from within. You ARE pure Love; the freedom you search for is within your grasp.
Don’t give up and keep your face to the Light. Everything else will fall into its perfect place. Thank you for being here, my friends! We are all soaring to the divine. I look forward to the challenges and blessings racing toward us. The Earth’s vibration is changing to allow us all the challenges we are seeking to overcome. Embrace it through the Love that YOU are.
Please, if things feel too overwhelming for you, if the energies feel too out of control, remember that you are in charge of everything happening in your own personal world. Deeper grounding and clearing will help leaps and bounds! Do not underestimate the power of deep grounding and Source grounding. It is work, yes … but it is so worth it. Xo

Questions or comments? email me at Thirdeyebetty@gmail.com or visit my website HERE.

Editor: Jody E. Freeman from Off The Shelf Editing Services or find her on FB HERE.

Source: Third Eye Betty

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