I don’t know where to begin…Shelby has been such a God send to me over these last few years. Her readings are beyond words and more than that, she is a tremedous teacher. She has helped me to deepen my belief in my abilties, from my artistic pursuits, to my connection with God/Self/Spirit, as well as my ability to heal my physical body.
I simply love her at soul level! The way she is able to see energetically is what really impresses me. She gave me hope several times when I had no one else to turn to. She was able to do this by tuning into my higher self and team of Light, as well as my physical and energetic body. Her words gave me the belief I needed to carry on and keep my head held high. I now see myself from a much deeper and wholistic view and can feel the momentum of where this is leading me. I have so much love and gratitude in my heart for you Shelby. Thank you